100M contest is here!

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Well contest ended on the first and they extended to the 3d So It ends today
And miss hannah minx I think you have enough money Lol
I wonder who is going to win. I hope I get something :/
Unspoken said:
Well contest ended on the first and they extended to the 3d So It ends today
And miss hannah minx I think you have enough money Lol

Old pic is old.

But, I would use it for something non-beneficiary. Trust me.
Alright, I'm rounding up 2 judges to help me.
I'm sure Techno will gladly help you, aswell as another staff member or member.
It will, I'm waiting for RuneScape to tell me who he thinks should win. Then I'll PM him my choice.
Sad, I offered to to help choose. Clearly RuneScape is a better choice.
Techno said:
Sad, I offered to to help choose. Clearly RuneScape is a better choice.

I vouch for Techno to vote. He's very judgmental. ;)
WetRain said:
Techno said:
Sad, I offered to to help choose. Clearly RuneScape is a better choice.

I vouch for Techno to vote. He's very judgmental. ;)

I agree with him, somebody tough.
You need to take all pictures and put them in first post for judges to see easier.
I'm resigning from Judge, I'll give it to Techno. You should have chosen him in the first place..







Chewy I posted mine because of the story behind it
Its not trying to be funny so My picture is nothing without my true story
Just thought you would know or who ever judges
I know each of the Judges have put their choices.

If you do not post the winner by tomorrow, there will be consequences because holding fake contests is very frowned upon.
Chewbaka said:
I know each of the Judges have put their choices.

If you do not post the winner by tomorrow, there will be consequences because holding fake contests is very frowned upon.

I don't see a rule with holding fake consequences, just because it's frowned upon does not mean that it's something you can warn for.
Touche said:
Chewbaka said:
I know each of the Judges have put their choices.

If you do not post the winner by tomorrow, there will be consequences because holding fake contests is very frowned upon.

I don't see a rule with holding fake consequences, just because it's frowned upon does not mean that it's something you can warn for.

Technically he can warn for any thing he wants
Mods/staff dont have guide lines that say You have to do X to get warned
They can warn me for swearing in a thread just because they dont like my words
And Im guessing he does not like fake contests so he said somthing will happen
He did not say what so yea
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