Another PayPal giveaway

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Dude I swear I am going to win this. @feel
Let's keeep err goinn

@rare @feel Id like I pizza from you both once I win thx
Fuck it, pizza party with $14. @feel @ponyo
I'm down @rare let's get some cheesy bread too
I like the breadsticks from Dominos. @ponyo
Hell yeah, always order from domino's because they have them online coupons and I'm a cheap mf
I am hovering over the checkout button. @feel
Lucky number 130 cough buy my pizza cough
At least @ me my good friend. @zack
Yo let's start a conversation, I need like 100 more posts. @zack
Well @feel I have to skype someone then I have band
@ me when you guys post in here.
@rare reply to me so I can be in your 6.2K post :$
You got it, life accomplished yet? :p @ponyo
My life is fulfilled @rare I can die rn and be happy
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