Another PayPal giveaway

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Well @rare we're almost at 100 Posts ?
True, I'm going for 6,300 on my profile tonight. @ponyo
We can make it go longer, do maybe 150-200. @aware
Damn @rare 300 posts just today? And thanks for the heads up @aware
About 250 I think, I want to be on the top posters like I said. @ponyo
I feel @rare Id try for it but I'm moving all this week so I'm rip
Yeah I was gone all last week for that trip so I'm behind. @ponyo
Thanks my man, would could all use the posts.
Appreciate it @Aware could use all the posts possible
@ponyo I gotta agree with you there lol.
Sounds good @gringo what you up to?
@gringo where are you traveling? And I'm watching YouTube.
@gringo sounds like a hell of a trip how did you pay for it?
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