Blackhat or Whitehat?


Soo do you like Blackhat or Whitehat and why? :D
Both... It really depends...I like experimenting with Blackhat :) its fun, but other then that Whitehat :)
Imo Blackhat :p
All hats!
Blackhat is more fun in my opinion. You can do more stuff being blackhat, but it is illegal.

Whitehat would be a more reliable way of making money if you were a paid exploiter. They both have their ups and downs.
Doesn't matter to me, as long as it earns me money. Too few methods actually work nowadays to be picky.
I honestly don't choose one. I will do both, blackhat doesn't really bother me.
I am a Gray Hat because I like coding Malware program's but then again I also like coding White Hat Program's so yeah. :D
Greyhat, you get to help people, and do the illegal stuff :p
I prefer purple hats but then blacks go with everything, but in my honest opinion I'm always down to wear a whitehat :)
I prefer to be whitehat as I enjoy helping people and in the end, white hat will make you more happy.
I'm more of a Greyhat, I do like doing some Blackhat stuff but not too hardcore, but I also like to help people out and do Whitehat stuff.
Well i like both. And for me it really depends on the situation and my mood. But i think i would prefer black because there aren't any rules.
Well, I'd say I'm about 75% Blackhat and 15% Whitehat.
I know a lot of blackhat stuffs and I actually hack, crack and do shit.
And, while I know some Whitehat stuff, I do not a lot of Whitehat shit, I just secure my PC and my friends' PC, remove trojans manually etc.