Candy Recruitment Open

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I was accepted but I changed my name from @Absolute to @Epic
Epic said:
I was accepted but I changed my name from @Absolute to @Epic

thank you, congratulations man be active in the sub-forum
and @Fed I'm really busy but I'll reply to your app in a min
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

I think I deserve to be in this group because I'm a very friendly user, the user @Starfire can vouch for me on this. I try my best to help other members when there feeling down, or with any other problems they may have within reason. I'm very active on the site as it's really all I do until I get a call for a interview, in which when that does happen my activity will go down slightly. All and all to sum up my beliefs in why I deserve to be in this group is I will be a nice and friendly user To everyone in the group and out of it.

Tbh I feel that the group will benefit me more in the beginning, as I've been so bored of having nobody to really talk to and with joining your group I hope that I could make friends. Don't worry though I will be a very active user in the group, and always bring the highest quality material when representing the group.

Yes I will be active in the Skype group, if you would like my Skype please PM me or I'll PM you what ever one works best for you.
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

I think I deserve to be in this group because I've been very active since I joined. I guess its commitment, I wouldn't mind being in my first group. It seems the standards are respectable. It would definitely be a neat start to go from their to join up and poke about. Unfortunately I do not possess a skype atm but inevitably I will eventually get around to it. Well will see how things go from there. ;)
I hope I get in been so lonely, these past couple days.
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

I think I deserve to be in Candy, because I am active on this forum a lot. I've been contributing to this forum. I've never scammed anyone. I am really active on skype so I could chat with you guys like 2 hours or more a day. Also, this group looks really fun/ Thank you
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

Hi my names Gary and i'm new to ForumKorner and i'm just looking for a group to be in. I can benefit it by keeping it active and trying to get other members to try to join it to make it bigger and stronger. Yes i can be on skype if needed at anytime 24 hours a day and that shouldn't be a problem. I'm here to Buy/Trade Kiks IGs SnapChats mostly and i could help out with with as much as possible if anyone needs any help or has questions, if im able to help you can count on me to help. i'm nice and a very helpful person when it comes to things like this and i would love to join you guys. If my application doesn't get accepted then that's fine atleast i tried to get in :) i hope everything gets on poppin soon!! hit me up whenever please. I would wear it always to represent you guys ! ^_-
What's up Yeti, I'm Kyle I would like to be in your group because it seems like the group for me, I'm nice easy to talk to and I honestly need somewhere to start because obviously every one does, I'll stay active with the group and I'm new so I'll also rock the userbar all day long, I could support the group and spread the word! I hope you accept me, if you want to see mote about myself go to my introductory post, Have a great day!
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

I think I should join this group for 3 reasons.
One out if the three is that I'm a really cool guy and I don't start drama like most people.
I'm a up and coming trusted member on here and I have done a bunch of deals onsite.
My last reason is that I am a active member on this forum and I have no plans to stop that.

I can benefit this group because I can show everyone how HQ we are and how legit our members are when It comes to dealing :).

I'm ONLY on mobile so I can easily check Skype whenever. If I make it into this group I would rock the userbar everyday :)
@poison @yeti

I think deserve to be a part of this group for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, I'm very active. I come on ForumKorner a lot and I enjoy the site.
Second, I'm trustworthy. I've never scammed someone and I don't ever plan on scamming.
Third, I am very active on Skype. I have Skype on my phone, computer, and iPad.

I enjoy chatting with my friends and talking to people on Skype already so chatting with fellow group members shouldn't be a problem.

I think I can help the group grow a lot and I feel that being accepted into the group would cause me to be even more active on FK.
If I'm more active on FK while I'm in Candy, then it is also benefiting the group because when I wear the userbar and people see something that I post they will hopefully think the group is HQ because the post is HQ, thus making the group more popular. I will wear the userbar every day. It's beautiful.

I think that wraps things up. Thanks a lot @Yeti!
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

i'm new to ForumKorner and i'm just looking for a group to be in. I can benefit it by keeping it active and trying to get other members to try to join it to make it bigger and stronger. Yes i can be on skype if needed at anytime 24 hours a day and that shouldn't be a problem. I'm here to Buy/Trade Kiks IGs SnapChats mostly and i could help out with with as much as possible if anyone needs any help or has questions, if im able to help you can count on me to help. i'm nice and a very helpful person when it comes to things like this and i would love to join you guys. If my application doesn't get accepted then that's fine atleast i tried to get in :) i hope everything gets on poppin soon!! hit me up whenever please. I would wear it always to represent you guys !
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

1) I think I deserve to be in this group for a few different reasons. For one, Candy seems like a fun group to be apart of, full of active members. I am a very active member on the forum, I'm on here every day. Another reason is that I've never had any problems on the forum, I've never had a scam report posted on me, and I've only had one warning the entire time I've been here.

2) I will benefit the group by obviously bringing activity to the group, by wearing the userbar, and by making sales whenever I am in the position to do so.

3) And yes, I can be on Skype, I'm pretty much on Skype all day anyway.​
Amp said:
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

1) I think I deserve to be in this group for a few different reasons. For one, Candy seems like a fun group to be apart of, full of active members. I am a very active member on the forum, I'm on here every day. Another reason is that I've never had any problems on the forum, I've never had a scam report posted on me, and I've only had one warning the entire time I've been here.

2) I will benefit the group by obviously bringing activity to the group, by wearing the userbar, and by making sales whenever I am in the position to do so.

3) And yes, I can be on Skype, I'm pretty much on Skype all day anyway.​

Thanks for your application.

Unfortunately at this time we accept all applications
so welcome to candy :D
Honestly, 7 sentences to join a group called "Candy" is excessive, we can all post random crap about how we're HQ, or active, or what our personal qualities are, but what really matters is our we act, are we mature, do we treat members/staff with respect or do we troll everyone and make ourselves look like an asshole. So I'll be honest...I'm not going to write 7 sentences, instead, I'm going to say that I will remain active, and wear the userbar, but that's about it.
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

As of recently my activity on this site has increased quite a bit, and I'll be getting on more and more as school is almost over for me.
I'd be able to bring loads of activity to the group, host more giveaways than the ones I've been doing, and make the group look the best that I can.
From what I've noticed, a lot of the members in this group are extremely active and that's the main attribute I look for in groups.
Truthfully, I haven't really been any groups here, the one I was in was just to seek out some of the better members.
I can assure you if I get into this group, it'll be my main focus.
As of whether or not I can be on skype, I don't have one made. But if needed I'm sure I could make one and be active in the group.

Whether or not you accept me, I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to be in the group.
Duramax ϟϟ said:
Honestly, 7 sentences to join a group called "Candy" is excessive, we can all post random crap about how we're HQ, or active, or what our personal qualities are, but what really matters is our we act, are we mature, do we treat members/staff with respect or do we troll everyone and make ourselves look like an asshole. So I'll be honest...I'm not going to write 7 sentences, instead, I'm going to say that I will remain active, and wear the userbar, but that's about it.


welcome to candy.
omg cock block of the century idc about twenty five shits.
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

I would like to join this usergroup because in my opinion I feel like im a nice guy towards people.
I try my hardest to help people out not only mentally but financially. I know some people don't have much
money and I try m hardest to be able to sell them things for a price that not even I make money.
But this group isn't about money so it doesn't matter. I love to help members in need of relationship advice
or any advice at that. I try my hardest to help people who's computers are infected and need help so they don't lose
all their info. I also try m hardest to give away things as much as I can. I want to join this group because I've been looking
around and I can see that the members of this group are really nice and high quality and I would like to be apart
of that. Im able to be on skype most of the day and love to interact with other people. I hope I will have the chance
to join and also become a more high quality user in the process.

Thank you for reading! @Yeti
Name: Ben
Age: 15
Location: United Kingdom

Why do you think you deserve to be in the group?

I think I deserve to be in the group because I'm a friendly character, and I look out and help members if they need help. Also because I haven't been in a group for a while, and I feel this one, I can focus on, and put all my best in to being super active, and posting at least every day in the sub forum.

How will you benefit from it?

I think that I will benefit from the group by becoming a much more friendly person, although I am ;) and also benefit from helping people, if they need any.

Can you be on Skype?

Yes, but to be honest, I won't be on all day, maybe like an hour a day, because I hate skype, but I will make the effort to come on and talk to you all, although it will over the forums!!

Are you active on the forum?

I'm on daily, for quite a few hours, to talk to people, to make some business, to buy some stuff, and to generally browse through the threads! This means that I will be active in the sub forum, and will enjoy my time in the group!

How many days will you wear the Userbar?

I will try and wear it at least 3-5 days a week, that's if I join another group in the future, but considering I'm not in one at the moment, I can wear it 6-7 days a week!

What will you do to contribute?

I will contribute some free stuff in the sub forum, exclusively to Candy members, and not leechers! I will also help any members to set a great example of the group. Also I will host the odd giveaway on behalf of Candy.

Anything else?

Nope, that's about it guys! Thank you for reading @Yeti, and I hep I have a good chance of joining, if I do join, I look forward to talking to you all!

#voteferfade2k14 ;)

@felon - shout me out bb ;)
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