Forum Team Check In/re-connect

@Rare Of course!
And yeah I'm in the UK... doing alright thanks, how are you doing?
Weird I remember that after all these years haha, moving out of my current place tomorrow so very excited.
hey guys. won’t lie I’ve been up and down. personally, I’ve take a route of sobriety as drinking has only deterred me from a straight path in life. It’s been real difficult, but I’m getting through. just battling amends I don’t think I’ll ever be able to make with people I’ve hurt while on my self destructive path. I guess I’ll have to only keep going forwards and quit looking into the rear view. sorry to be a Debby downer, but in reality I’m probably doing the best in life I’ve ever been in a sort of way. though I’m only too good at isolating myself from everyone, so I guess this is a way of battling against that as well.

I hope everyone is doing good in their real lives, and know some battles you may face don’t have to and shouldn’t be alone. it will only... destroy you further.

take care everyone

Sorry to hear about the troubles, hope all goes well for you mate. It's been years!

Checking in still breathing and still on FK

Checking in as well, good to see you old friend
Checking in from being offline for a little. Just got back from out of state on business/mini vacation. Hope everyone is doing well today. Sunday’s can be boring lol.
Sorry to hear about the troubles, hope all goes well for you mate. It's been years!

Checking in as well, good to see you old friend
Shit man long time no see, crazy how often you and I used to be online
Agreed! Those were indeed the days.
If I could go back and tell myself to enjoy them more, I would.
Sitting on Xbox playing and scrolling through the forums, not a worry in my life back then so I hear ya haha