Forum Team Check In/re-connect

Helluva day coming today, got probation meeting and then back to grinding on Valorant.
Good look with probation. Was on that shit back in the day. My PO was chill and didn’t test me since I didn’t come up dirty the first time.
bruh I haven’t had a PO since ‘17 and don’t plan to ever again lol @Matigo best of luck

Work got me by the balls lately, but the hustle continues and I’m raking in . Not looking forward to winter coming though.

Hope everyone is well.
Agony? More like gag on me.

lmao hmu on Xbox sometime man, I’m on that tag I messaged you from and some others-

i i/The Legend

also... that’s ballsagony to you;)
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Wishing everyone a blessed morning and a blessed day. Today is my birthday so I will probably not be on later.