Well, I start a new job tomorrow, I had orientation today I got hired yesterday, I just found out I have to take a drug test, I smoked on the 26th I dont know what kind of test it will be whether its urine or saliva, ANy tips to help me pass?
Justice said:If it's a urine test, drink a lot of water and try pissing a lot. I heard drinking cranberry juice will also help.
When are you taking the drug test?
Then drink lots of water , there is also synthetic urine but i wouldnt recommend that because many workplaces also test for chemicals found in fake urineLiving said:The test is tomorrow most likely I was supposed to have already done it before orientation but the guy didnt want me to wait a week, Id rather it be diluted. Then I have more time
Devour said:Bro just do a oil change you could smoke the day of your drug test and pass.
No lol.Living said:Uhhh im lost like an oin change in my car?
Living said:Uhhh im lost like an oin change in my car?