How screwed are you?

Depends what part of the night they catch me in

If you get caught with possessing cocaine and your parents are notified how screwed are you?
I'd blame it on the guy who gave/sold me the cocaine, not rlly screwed

Pichu rapes you, how screwed are you?
Pretty screwed as I will die.

You found out your girlfriend is pregnant.
Push her down the stairs

You have a constant erection
Very screwed because it will press against my zipper and hurt like a mother fucker.

You wake up on fire, how screwed are you?
Pretty screwed as I will die.

You jizz your paints in the middle of class.
Domcon said:
Pretty screwed as I will die.

You jizz your paints in the middle of class.

I can jizz with a straight face, not at all.

Your families life savings were stolen, and you have no way of getting it back. How screwed are you?
Pretty sure my family has no life savings, so not screwed at all.

You walk into quick check and a robbery is going on.
say wassup to my homies and get moneeeeyyy so not screwed

you jizz in the bath and get your mom pregnant.
gogeta said:
say wassup to my homies and get moneeeeyyy so not screwed

you jizz in the bath and get your mom pregnant.

Why you bathin' wit yo mama? Mega screwed.

Car breaks down on a deserted highway, how screwed are ya?
Thunderlane said:
not screwed at all, Chuck Norris.

Find your dad's wedding ring while fingering your girlfriend, how screwed is she?

If I had a girlfriend I'd never talk to her again lol
and my dad isn't married so he doesn't have a wedding ring.

The last thing you ate is what you're sexually attracted to for eternity.
how screwed are you

Beef stew...?:not_entertained:

You find out you have a brother you never knew anything about, hsay?
Confused with lots of questions, but not screwed.

Your girlfriend goes through your phone and sees a recent conversation between you and your ex-girlfriend, how screwed are you?
Not screwed at all as it would only be me saying "f*ck off, I don't like you anymoar"

You accidentally stumble upon gay porn and begin to feel aroused, hsay?
The gay porn was actually super hot girl on girl action.

You accidentally stumble upon man on man action and feel aroused, hsay?
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