How to throw a punch

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I've been in multiple fights. Simply because i fight kids who are dicks. I've won all but one, and that's because it got broken up by a car ..
The car drove at us, honking ..

Well, enough of that.
Anyways, Adrenaline Definitely covers up the pain. If you're about to get punched in the face, shock comes in. You'll feel the blows, you'll feel everything; except the pain.

And for the punching part, don't go swinging. Don't let anger cover up everything and take over. Control your self. If he goes crazy jack-rabbit-arms on your ass, just back up a little, take a step back, and launch straight fist at em'.
But, seriously, just get a punching bag, or do what i did when i was younger. Get a pillow, or a couple, and put them up against a bunk bed, a door, or something high. Punching height.

Just, in my opinion, try not to get into too many fights. Sure, you might want the reputation, just ... don't get into them unless you need to.
Coloured Str said:
I've been in multiple fights. Simply because i fight kids who are dicks. I've won all but one, and that's because it got broken up by a car ..
The car drove at us, honking ..

Well, enough of that.
Anyways, Adrenaline Definitely covers up the pain. If you're about to get punched in the face, shock comes in. You'll feel the blows, you'll feel everything; except the pain.

And for the punching part, don't go swinging. Don't let anger cover up everything and take over. Control your self. If he goes crazy jack-rabbit-arms on your ass, just back up a little, take a step back, and launch straight fist at em'.
But, seriously, just get a punching bag, or do what i did when i was younger. Get a pillow, or a couple, and put them up against a bunk bed, a door, or something high. Punching height.

Just, in my opinion, try not to get into too many fights. Sure, you might want the reputation, just ... don't get into them unless you need to.

I'm not looking to instigate a fight although I do appreciate the advice.
Cybr said:
1. That depends on whether you're trying to knock them out first punch, or expect a lengthy fight. Left-handed people might throw a right jab first.
2. You want one in front of your face, to protect face and chin, and one a bit lower to protect your neck and lower. Usually the left hand a bit higher.
3. I was always taught to pull back twice as fast as you punch, so you aren't vulnerable for a blow. I guess it's all personal preference.

This is all personal preference imho. When I punch, I'm aggressive, I'm not very fast, but if I hit you, it hurts. I'm guessing that you are more speedy-ish? When I punch, I keep it in for a second or two, and it works for me. I fight with my hands high, I use Mike Tyson's stance to be exact. Also that's true, I didn't think about it, but Solidify might be left-handed. If so, I would say throw a right first, or whichever arm is weaker throw a punch with that first.

Take it from me, I've been in many fights. I was actually jumped the other day after school. 5 on 1, I managed to get away. Bunch of black kids came up to me and tried to mug me, and I didn't let them, so they started shit, and now they are getting their asses handed to them for fucking with me.
Clench your fist, thumb not inside the clenched fingers. Unless, of course, you want a broken in two places thumb :D

Pull your arm slightly back,
Push forward with all your force,
Combo him.

Aside the other comments, for extra power you want to maintain a strong stance and rotate/vibrate your body when you step in for the punch.
Make sure your arm is not out all the but bent slightly like almost completely straight.
What I usually do is this:
Throw your knee against their balls and make a *tss* sound. This is an automatic reaction, everyone with balls will move their lower parts back and their body to you. Now it's up to you where you want to punch them :)
Cybr said:
I didn't read whole thread, but this is how my dad taught me:

Clench your fist tight, make sure your thumb doesn't get in the way, and also make sure it isn't inside your fist.
When you're about to throw, don't pull your arm way back; the person will have too much time to dodge. Just pull it back a little bit.
Throw your fist straight, and quick, then pull it back to you twice as fast so you don't leave yourself vulnerable.
Make sure you make contact with your pointer knuckle and middle knuckle.

Hope this helps; ask any questions.

You must either not know how to punch or got extremely lucky in your fights.

Never clench your fists. If you want to throw the hardest punches, clench your fist at exactly the last second before you actually hit him.

Try it in the air a few times, you'll feel that it's harder that way (and it is -.-)
xt3mplarx said:
Try it in the air a few times, you'll feel that it's harder that way (and it is -.-)

It really is. An open first gives you more of an aerodynamic swing up until the last split second.
You are supposed to rotate your fist when you throw it.
Everything here is good information but most will work for the first 10 seconds of a fight. Assuming your in highschool which I am, fights start as jabs to the face, then hard punches to the head,blocking and dodging what not. But assuming your not fighting a nerd, they will probably hit you and go for a tackle. Avoid being tackled or you'll get tackled and unloaded in the face unless you have good upper body strength to be able to get them off.

So what you'd want to do would try to get first quick jab to the face then left jab to the ribs without backing up. So it be 1 second hit to the face, 2 seconds jab to the ribs, 3 seconds get a blocking stance ready. Then they will try to punch you so block or dodge and uppercut/jab them in the ribs and then unload on their head. As they go to cover their head tackle them and keep feeding him to the face till he quits, if he tries to get you off punch him in the ribs or stomach.

When punching, don't clench your first till last second, have your thumb beside your forefinger but make sure the tip of your thumb is not farther then your fingers clenched.

When blocking, keep your hands open and be ready to move on your feet.
Make a fist, put your thumb over your pointing finger so it crosses your fingers. Then put your fists up. Don't jump, it makes you loose balance when fighting. Make sure to making a rotating motion with your punch. With all your force throw a punch for his face.
clench your fist tightly.
try to avoid swinging in a crescent like most idiots, punch straight forward and use your hips to get more power into it.
Make sure you don't punch with your pinky or ring finger knuckles, that's how you break your hand.
Should I say "POW"?
Lolz. By the way, nice guide.
I really like your sig too XD!
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