How to throw a punch

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Onyx user!
If you get the chance, put your entire body into it and build momentum. If the fight is fast paced try to make each punch count. Missing a punch takes more energy out of you than you'd think and leaves you vaulnerable.
Also, to avoid breaking your thumb never put it behind your fingers, always out to the side so you can see it still.
I havent heard of many people breaking wrists, so my best advise there is don't be a puss.
Don't put your thumb in your balled hand or your thumb will break. You should also punch with the index and middle knuckles. NOT the ring or the pinky.


*Try going for clean strokes, i.e. straight direction when you throw a straight punch and have a locked elbow when throwing a crooked punch
*Hold the fist tight and don't let the them get in the way, nor stick in inbetween the fingers
*In the vast majority of times, keep your wrist straight, otherwise you'll f**k it up
*Try using your torso to twist and generate power
*Remember, you can generate a lot of power through the ground to the knuckles (sounds weird, I know lol)
*Use the power of momentum to increase impact

(Actually, a bit of rotation in the wrist just as you hit the victim and rotation in the torso can increase impact by 400%.
Source: ex martial art-teacher and some science program.)

Sorry if this didn't make much sense, I'm Danish. lol


In a fight, you need to pay more attention to your defense strategy and you'll be able to make better judgement with throwing a punch. Otherwise, you're just going to be swinging wildly and most likely get clocked in the nose.

Keep your hands close to your face, with the adrenaline you'll more than likely be able to eat body hits. Whenever he (Or she ;)) throws a punch, you want to stretch your arm out and block the hit by knocking their wrist out of the way. After they throw that hit, you come back with one. Google is a useful tool to find knockout/daze points. Once you make contact, step back and repeat.

If you're on the offense, use your good hand for the hay makers and your other hand for the stunner. A stunner is usually thrown straight without bringing your arm back, whereas the hay maker is a full power, wide swing punch. STUN THEM FIRST BEFORE TRYING TO POWER SHOT THEM.

I'm not a professional fighter, but I've been in a few fights in my time. I started out getting my ass kicked. Even if your first fight doesn't go well, don't think you're a little puss because of it. Practice makes perfect. It also might be helpful to find a friend to slap box with.


Onyx user!
ok first thing is, Make a fist look at were its Straight, for me its the first 3 fingers. put your thumb in an L shape under the fingers ( after the nuckle comes a joint, just under that so it doesnt get in the way of the punch.)

First place to hit them if there not expecting it is the Stomache... This makes them Bend over and it alows you to get some free Rabit punches ( Hits in the back of the neck, VERY painfull) or an elbow to the back, or you could even kick the face in makin them loose there teeth very easily :D)

if you are in a 1v1 were your both holding up fists i suggest you Jabb them on the Left or right Jaw side.. Hit as hard as you can if you know you wont miss, a normal punch hurts it doenst have to be hard.. ( idea of Hitting the jaw is to Twist it so that your head twists Knocking you out..) and a jab is a quick Punch to the face alowing you to keep back and get a nice Hard hit.

Dont think slapping is for pussies.. a Big Slap really hurts if its cold, especially this time of year.. if you get an oppertunity Slap with your whole hand, Dont spread your fingers just keep it firm, and hit As hard as you can, Followed by a Jab or an uppercut..

Gl, also using Surroundings is an option :) this helps alot.. Sand can be thrown into eyes, You can bite them or even use water to your advantage.. there is alot you can do :D i suggest you Have a fight with some Pussy to get you ready for the real thing :)


i would not suggest carrying a knife lol, if you want to end a fight quickly, do what i do and punch them in the throat and follow with a uppercut depending on how much they dropped.

there are videos on how to properly throw punches and kicks all over the internet including youtube i guess
if you want personal practice join a a boxing gym, mma gym, or get your own heavy boxing bag


Onyx user!
for your first fight, you will be adrenaline pumping hardcore, adrenaline will pretty much take control and you probably won't even feel when you get hit, or have time to think of what your going to do.

if you want to drop them, aim for the side of the jaw, (like on UFC) it usually stuns them with impact.
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