Of course Cyberbullying is real. Just because it's the internet doesn't make peoples opinions irrelevant. If someone offended me on about something that I think about daily or concerns me I make become quite anxious and/or angry. But if someone just insulted me saying I'm arrogant or egotistical, I wouldn't give a damn. It all depends on how far an individual is willing to go to make someone feel bad. And what ammunition they have to do that. Privacy will keep you protected. If someone is insulting you on something that isn't personal to you then you really shouldn't care. I have felt a bit trapped on Xbox at times because I let particular people in on information of my family, which led to constant mockery of me. Then I thought to myself, why am I putting up with this? And I just removed them and met friends with higher morals and that are genuinely better then them. And guess what? Them people add me on Xbox and try to talk to me as they realize they lost a good friend and someone of value/importance to them. If you play your cards right, this is not an issue. If I ever had a friend that was Cyberbullied, I am adamant that I could help them out completely. However, this has never happened to me to a serious. So I'm not to informed on this topic.