Is Cyberbullying real?

Depends on the person you are, some people break down to certain things & some people have a stronger will power to just laugh & ignore what others think/say.

Never take what a person on the internet says personally, remember... They are behind a computer screen talking shit for a reason lol.
Kowai said:
Are your jimmies rustled mr azazel
You were probably a victim of cyber bullying, your nudes were leaked to everyone on 4chan right?
You are so ignorant. A long time ago I once bullied a kid on the internet by posting personal pictures of him and he took his dads shotgun and blew his brains out. It's obvious you are just an ignorant child that jerks his dick to japanese henti all day. Get the fuck out of here and go educate yourself.

Wow you bullied a kid and he kill himself, I'm sure you consider that an achievement you unhuman, twisted, sick, morbid fuck.
Kowai said:
Wow you bullied a kid and he kill himself, I'm sure you consider that an achievement you unhuman, twisted, sick, morbid fuck.
You are retarded LOL I used my example and told you it was real and you call me a sick fuck. That just proves you are trying to act tuff but inside you are a little anime faggot.
Azazel said:
You are retarded LOL I used my example and told you it was real and you call me a sick fuck. That just proves you are trying to act tuff but inside you are a little anime faggot.
Lol, you really bullied a kid into suicide?
Of course Cyberbullying is real. Just because it's the internet doesn't make peoples opinions irrelevant. If someone offended me on about something that I think about daily or concerns me I make become quite anxious and/or angry. But if someone just insulted me saying I'm arrogant or egotistical, I wouldn't give a damn. It all depends on how far an individual is willing to go to make someone feel bad. And what ammunition they have to do that. Privacy will keep you protected. If someone is insulting you on something that isn't personal to you then you really shouldn't care. I have felt a bit trapped on Xbox at times because I let particular people in on information of my family, which led to constant mockery of me. Then I thought to myself, why am I putting up with this? And I just removed them and met friends with higher morals and that are genuinely better then them. And guess what? Them people add me on Xbox and try to talk to me as they realize they lost a good friend and someone of value/importance to them. If you play your cards right, this is not an issue. If I ever had a friend that was Cyberbullied, I am adamant that I could help them out completely. However, this has never happened to me to a serious. So I'm not to informed on this topic.
Jamillion said:
Lol, you really bullied a kid into suicide?
No lmfao I was using it as an example to show it could happen and after he implied it would never happened I tricked him and that goes to prove hes tryna be hard but inside hes soft as fuck
Azazel said:
No lmfao I was using it as an example to show it could happen and after he implied it would never happened I tricked him and that goes to prove hes tryna be hard but inside hes soft as fuck

That's the case with many bullies. They often only try to take the positive energy out of the happy because they are simply insecure and weak inside. Alike to comedians putting on a brave face acting all happy and normal when really they are depressed.
It can be real for some, but its as easy as walking away from your pc or blocking them...
Twelve said:
It can be real for some, but its as easy as walking away from your pc or blocking them...
Unless someone is swatting your house.
nab said:
Unless someone is swatting your house.

Than its your fault for giving the wrong person your address.
Twelve said:
Than its your fault for giving the wrong person your address.
People can drop your dox for no reason at all. Not everyone knows how to protect themselves online.
nab said:
People can drop your dox for no reason at all.

No one can get your address and information unless you have revealed it somewhere on the internet.
Twelve said:
No one can get your address and information unless you have revealed it somewhere on the internet.
Whenever you connect online your IP is recorded, people can solve your IP address, and from there on it's quite simple.
nab said:
Whenever you connect online your IP is recorded, people can solve your IP address, and from there on it's quite simple.
Only if you go on sketchy sites, and don't know how to use proxies on skype and other stuff.
Cyberbullying is deadass pathetic. Its for kids who can't fight it out on the streets in real life. Jeez randoms on the internet.
@Azazel is just salty he gets cyber bullied all day everyday due to the fact that he's an ugly fuck that no one likes.
Citrus said:
Cyberbullying is deadass pathetic. Its for kids who can't fight it out on the streets in real life. Jeez randoms on the internet.
You're currently cyberbullying me.
It's only bullying if you allow to be, like you can easily ignore what people are saying on the Internet, but irl its probably harder, I don't really believe in cyber bullying, it's all a joke in my opinion. It's just so easily ignored.
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