Looking to add some things.

When the Koins system returns will those 2 awards i purchased be remade and re-granted?
Aggression said:
I think adding the newpoints system(or Koins as you guys labeled them) would make some people happy.

This has already been suggested. It will become available with the next theme.
One question.. When exactly is the new theme coming?
Apple said:
One question.. When exactly is the new theme coming?

The new theme will hopefully be ready and implemented mid-this month.
Optimus said:
The new theme will hopefully be ready and implemented mid-next month.

Hopefully, we've all been waiting patiently for a few months now.
Would it be possible to replace the MSN ID spot on the profile with Skype?
Could we possibly re-implement the profile views plug-in?
Hey Philly. I am on mobile and I'm sure there's a few others, and I'm just thinking that it would be convenient to put the post number viewable on mobile site. I can't see it on monileeb
Noscope said:
Hey Philly. I am on mobile and I'm sure there's a few others, and I'm just thinking that it would be convenient to put the post number viewable on mobile site. I can't see it on monileeb
Agree with noscope there should also be a option to view your signature on mobile
Noscope, you can very easily click on our profile to view your post count on mobile.
Shift said:
Agree with noscope there should also be a option to view your signature on mobile

Not hard. I think I could do that, if Philly allows.