M'lady award!

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Well-Known Member
In order to get this award you must post about a occurrence where you helped out a M'lady either in real life or online
I once carried a girl on my back because she rolled her ankle pretty bad, the walk was long...
Taunt said:
I once carried a girl on my back because she rolled her ankle pretty bad, the walk was long...

you already have the award bro ;)
I helped a lady out on the internet by helping her update her security on her Social Media sites so she couldnt get repetitively hacked like she was before, and also helped her with her passwords etc with a password generator.
one time, i provided sexual favor for the pleasure of a young lady, thats a good help
Once there was a girl at my school who had all her books knocked out of her arms, i helped her pick them all up and i carried them to her class for her, we talk everyday now and she always brings it up
I was walking home from my friends house and it was like 6 or 7 at night. Some lady was moving in and she kindly asked if I could help her, I said yeah why not, so I helped a little move a couple pieces of furniture into her house.
ONLINE: I gave m'lady a shoutout and she loved me forever ;)

IRL: There was this one girl that was lost so I let her use my phone to call someone
I was on tumblr and helped a lady realize that she was not a woman, she was in fact an attack helicopter. *tips fedora*
joking on last post, but one time I was at a retirement home where my grandmother was located, & the leg on a walker broke on a lady, & i had to help her to her room, & ask for a new walker, or whatevr the thing is
I once helped a m'lady out on Social Media, got her number

I once helped a homeless lady some food but if we're talking about just general girls I bought a girl a T-shirt she really wanted because she was upset :)
I once chased after a man for 2 hours to get back a poodle that he stole from a old laddy's bra.
Towel said:
I once chased after a man for 2 hours to get back a poodle that he stole from a old laddy's bra.

From an old lady's bra ? loolololol
I spoke to some random old lady on the street at like 3am cause she wanted too talk about how cheap lighters are shitty
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