Selling 3 Character GT !!!


Don't want stupid offers please guys as it is now quite rare to find a 3 character or 3 letter GT which isn't taken. Hope this will stir up some interest and that this GT finds a new owner.

PM me for GT

CURRENT OFFER - $10 - Utah

Offers below please
How much are you looking for?
im ideally looking for $20 + to be fair but i dont want to get my hopes up
deal with caution not 100% same guy, but the tag ER0 tried scamming me with a tag> DEAL WITH CAUTION MM should be used
@Franko i can 100% assure you that isn't me the guy who you are on about is now the GT - EH0 ... I have never attempted to scam anybody
hey bro id take that out of your bio js, you can get banned real quick for that.
ok how but just saying should use a mm in any case even with a new member
take what out of my bio ? i do apologise man

new highest bid is £30 - moore
How said:
take what out of my bio ? i do apologise man

new highest bid is £30 - moore

it says your selling the tag in your xbox bio
superior said:
okay ill trade you the gt. Weaponize
sorry not open for trades need the money bro sorry

User - Stuns just tried getting me to go first or use MM deal with caution. i explained that with a sale you pay for the item and then you receive what you payed for. Not the other way round. Anyway offer still remains at $30

are there anymore offers people ?
No one is going to buy it , if you expect us to go first when you just joined like last week. Just saying.
Utah said:
No one is going to buy it , if you expect us to go first when you just joined like last week. Just saying.

yep you are new use a middle man or fuck off dude cuz no one trust new members lol you are new no one knows you, you wanting to go 2nd is a sign of scamming
Guys please just hear me out ok. I know im new to FK and i am fully aware of that but you have to understand that from my point of views if you want to buy something then you pay for the item first and then receive it once it is payed for. I apologise if this upsets anybody but ive lost so much stuff lately ( GT's - Chlorine, Missile, Voltage, P6i ) im not risking loosing this GT aswell sorry guys.