Why I Dropped Out of High School


Power member.
I quit high school around a near year ago to pursue a GED instead. It was my junior year. 17 then, 18 now. I got a lot of shit for it. I mean, I still do but it's a lot less than when I initially left. Unfortunately, I still don't have my GED because of my state's asinine laws on GED requirements but none of that is what I want to cover.

I left school because they didn't teach me anything worth knowing anymore. I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for some dumbass fucking exam on some bullshit that didn't fucking matter. Moreover, they neglected teaching things that actually mattered. They don't teach you how to love somebody or tell someone you no longer love them. They don't teach you how to say goodbye or deal with death. There's no lessons on talking someone out of suicide, or spotting a scam or determining what's important. There's no classes about sex, no classes about friendship, no classes about how to think for yourself, no classes about pain and suffering, and no classes worth giving a damn about anymore. These things are transparently essential to a functioning human but they're nowhere to be found in the places we consider the epicenters of education? It's not knowing these things that derail people's lives, not some dumb fucking algebra equations and history facts about Mesopotamia and the ability to regurgitate that dumb shit onto a piece of paper in a timely manner.

It was so dull and ugly, nothing felt authentic or real to me. It was strangling me. I had never-ending tsunamis of anxiety - one after the other. The atmosphere was never not gloomy. High school felt like a 4-year-long sentence of mind control and subservience to authority figures. It was dread in its purest form. That was the state of normality for me there. Now a year later, I'm glad to say I feel extremely liberated. Anxiety is a rarity to me and I'm learning something worthwhile about every single day. I'm a totally different and better person, and I can attribute the most of that to dropping out. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made and I will never regret it. It led me onto a pathway I would never thought imaginable.

There were plenty of other smaller reasons that all played their role in the collective reason why I left but I found these ones to be the most significant ones worth mentioning.

I'm not necessarily saying you should quit out of school because it reeks of mediocrity or anything, but I'm certainly not going to say it's going to ruin your life entirely. It's just that I'm not most people. It's hard for me tolerate broken systems in order to meet goals and I don't think that's really a bad thing.
I agree with your whole thread. I honestly don't see why they FORCE us to go just to learn stuff we most likely won't need in the real world. And by force I mean how if you don't go for X days, you get fined.
Survivor said:
I agree with your whole thread. I honestly don't see why they FORCE us to go just to learn stuff we most likely won't need in the real world. And by force I mean how if you don't go for X days, you get fined.

Tfw the school system labels you a truant
school is a necessity to succeed. 99% of the time you drop out you're life is going to be poor.

Obviously most of you forum nerds will agree with Cann!bal on dropping out because you'd rather spend your time online than out with friends or learning. If you were a mature human being you would understand the importance of education.
I didnt drop out but I attend night school. You work on your own pace, no attendance bullshit and you can finish as fast / slow as you want.
mamacita said:
school is a necessity to succeed. 99% of the time you drop out you're life is going to be poor.

Obviously most of you forum nerds will agree with Cann!bal on dropping out because you'd rather spend your time online than out with friends or learning. If you were a mature human being you would understand the importance of education.
How is it a necessity and what the fuck is succeeding? I've succeed by my own standards. I'm fucking skyrocketing with success.

I don't care much about money. I kind of despise it really. It's nice to have around but I live a pretty minimal lifestyle already on a part time job. I don't need much.

I learn new stuff everyday and I do recognize the importance of education. That's basically why I dropped out.

To put it out there, I'm not entirely anti-school. I've always been okay with the idea of getting a plumber apprenticeship and attending a trade school.
Made fools of Einsteins and wise guys. Since high school, my IQ's been sky high.

Trap God said:
They teach the same shit every year, nothing about the real world tbh

You've clearly never taken an anthropology class. You can't complain about anything you've never learned or decided to research for yourself. Specific subjects for specific interests.
mamacita said:
school is a necessity to succeed. 99% of the time you drop out you're life is going to be poor.

Obviously most of you forum nerds will agree with Cann!bal on dropping out because you'd rather spend your time online than out with friends or learning. If you were a mature human being you would understand the importance of education.
I agree with you and not at the same time. I mean I wouldn't say that 99% dont succeed as long as you know what you are going to do like cannibal, also kevin aka @satan dropped out of high school and is living a better live than most people on here every will. I'm not saying that's common but it's possible if you have the right mind set and I believe cannibal may have it. On the other hand I am school %100 i would like to go to colledge with great grades and end up having a great life with a good paying job. It's not impossible to have a good life after dropping out just a lot harder.
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]First off why is this in the Philosophy and Debates section? Reported to have it moved. You're an 18 year old high-school dropout that doesn't even have a GED. Have fun slaving away as a plumber making a mediocre wage the rest of your life. The average wage a plumber makes is ~$50,000. With that being said, you'll be lucky to make that. A high-school dropout that wants to attend a "trade school" will without a doubt  fall on the lower end of the money making spectrum. [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]"Moreover, they neglected teaching things that actually mattered. They don't teach you how to love somebody or tell someone you no longer love them. They don't teach you how to say goodbye or deal with death. There's no lessons on talking someone out of suicide, or spotting a scam or determining what's important. There's no classes about sex, no classes about friendship, no classes about how to think for yourself, no classes about pain and suffering, and no classes worth giving a damn about anymore. These things are transparently essential to a functioning human but they're nowhere to be found in the places we consider the epicenters of education?" [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]This here is a load of horse shit. Did you go into school expecting them to teach you how to love, how to deal with death, or"spotting a scam" (I laughed for a solid minute at this). If you did, I'm sorry you're so fucking stupid. Learning to love and deal with death are parts of life. You can't teach things like that in a school you fucking retard. Then you say "These things are transparently essential to a functioning human being". Sprinkle in as many "big words" as you want and it still won't make it true. "There's no classes about sex" Have you not heard of sex-ed?  "no classes about friendship" Once again, making friends is part of life. You can't teach people how to make friends just like you can't force people to be friends. Friendships are formed on their own. "No classes about how to think for yourself" Contradict yourself more. You want someone to teach you how to think for yourself. Think about that for a second, dumbass. [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]tl;dr op = retard[/font]
I felt the same way brother. You shouldn't feel ashamed..
"history facts about Mesopotamia"


I completely agree with you. You're philosophy on education is solid but the topics you discuss and want to learn about are all unethical and have been socially accepted as things that you learn from trial and error and experience. Some may argue that you want to take classes about life itself, when life has many varieties.
I dropped out of high school to get rich.
Because school, teaches you how to become a slave of the society.
yeah the school system is fucking broken no doubt. i'm still going to finish though just for the diploma. it's sad the amount of time we have to spend on the useless shit but its whatever i guess.
I agree with you. I would actually like to discuss this about you because I chose the same path except I had all my credits so all I have are psych and economics classes left online.
Biggest Slime said:
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]First off why is this in the Philosophy and Debates section? Reported to have it moved. You're an 18 year old high-school dropout that doesn't even have a GED. Have fun slaving away as a plumber making a mediocre wage the rest of your life. The average wage a plumber makes is ~$50,000. With that being said, you'll be lucky to make that. A high-school dropout that wants to attend a "trade school" will without a doubt  fall on the lower end of the money making spectrum. [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]"Moreover, they neglected teaching things that actually mattered. They don't teach you how to love somebody or tell someone you no longer love them. They don't teach you how to say goodbye or deal with death. There's no lessons on talking someone out of suicide, or spotting a scam or determining what's important. There's no classes about sex, no classes about friendship, no classes about how to think for yourself, no classes about pain and suffering, and no classes worth giving a damn about anymore. These things are transparently essential to a functioning human but they're nowhere to be found in the places we consider the epicenters of education?" [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]This here is a load of horse shit. Did you go into school expecting them to teach you how to love, how to deal with death, or"spotting a scam" (I laughed for a solid minute at this). If you did, I'm sorry you're so fucking stupid. Learning to love and deal with death are parts of life. You can't teach things like that in a school you fucking retard. Then you say "These things are transparently essential to a functioning human being". Sprinkle in as many "big words" as you want and it still won't make it true. "There's no classes about sex" Have you not heard of sex-ed?  "no classes about friendship" Once again, making friends is part of life. You can't teach people how to make friends just like you can't force people to be friends. Friendships are formed on their own. "No classes about how to think for yourself" Contradict yourself more. You want someone to teach you how to think for yourself. Think about that for a second, dumbass. [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]tl;dr op = retard[/font]
Did you really make an account just so you could bash me? Lol, okay.

It's my philosophy on school and dropping out, hence why I put it here? I only turned 18 last month and I've been financially supporting my family for months. You couldn't get a GED no matter what in my circumstances either, so you're no one to say shit.

I never thought I was going to learn about love, how to deal with death, or spot a scam in school. I thought I was going to continue learning the same useless shit. (What a stupid fucking question by the way.) My point was that these are things that are essential to being a functioning human being. And if school is the epicenter of education, then they ought to be taught there.  How to love somebody and deal with death can be taught to people. To say otherwise is simply disingenuous, irrational and absurd. Transparently and essential are big words for you? That's cute.

Sex Ed isn't a class, (far as I know). That's a term referring to sexual education lessons in school. Yes, friendship is a part of life, it's an important part of life - like I said it's an essential one. That's why we should be taught how communicate with others, share our feelings, and build relationships. Why would people be forced into friendships? That makes no sense. You totally can teach someone how to think for themselves with showing them how to critically think and shit.
Cann!bal said:
Did you really make an account just so you could bash me? Lol, okay.

Cann!bal said:
It's my philosophy on school and dropping out, hence why I put it here? I only turned 18 last month and I've been financially supporting my family for months. You couldn't get a GED no matter what in my circumstances either, so you're no one to say shit.
Sorry I thought this section was for real debates not what some smart-ass kid with a superiority complex thinks about school. You have been supporting your family for months by working a part time job? More like, "I'm still living with my parents and they make me work to help pay for all the expenses."  I couldn't get a GED in your circumstances? Cool story bro. You're the one with the fucked life, not me. I don't know why you would assume I give a fuck about your self-imposed, shitty circumstances. I don't have to worry about getting my GED because I'm not a fucking loser lmao.

"Sex Ed isn't a class, (far as I know). That's a term referring to sexual education lessons in school. Yes, friendship is a part of life, it's an important part of life - like I said it's an essential one. That's why we should be taught how communicate with others, share our feelings, and build relationships. Why would people be forced into friendships? That makes no sense. You totally can teach someone how to think for themselves with showing them how to critically think and shit." -Cannibal

"[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Sometimes formal [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]sex education[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] is taught as a full course as part of the curriculum in junior high school or high school. Other times it is only one unit within a more broad biology [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]class[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif], health [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]class[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif], home economics [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]class[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif], or physical [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]education class[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]." Idiot.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]You throw around the word essential very loosely. Here's a definition for you.[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]es·sen·tial[/font]
adjective: essential
  1. 1.
    absolutely necessary
You can't say that friendship is an absolutely necessary part of life. You can survive without friendship. Wrong again retard.

"[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]That's why we should be taught how communicate with others, share our feelings, and build relationships."[/font] - Cannibal
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Are you legit retarded and/or socially inept? You shouldn't  need to take classes on how to communicate with others, share your feelings, or build relationships. Sorry if you're fucked in the head and can't do that like a normal human being. =/[/font]
Im guessing that your okay money wise or make a good income online or somewhere else because it's going to be harder to find a job now that you dropped out.