Word disassociation game

Because in order to go to college, one must go to high school first, and there are dances in High school, and there are chaperones for High School dances.
Deathwish said:
Because in order to go to college, one must go to high school first, and there are dances in High school, and there are chaperones for High School dances.

You're getting good at this now. :)


Because Chaperones are needed for dances in high school and I learned calculus in high school. Calculus is needed for circuit analysis and today in my circuit analysis class we talked about capacitors.
Rune Gear.
Because when people get Capacitors wrong, circuts go awry, especially in office buildings, and what does one who is a member on RuneGear do when they have too much free time? Go on RuneGear :)
Al Gore.

Because Rune Gear is on the internet which Al Gore didn't invent but said something that would insinuate that he did. lol

Here is his quote.

"During my service in the Unites States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet."
Because when I think of Al Gore, I think of blood and violence, but in actuality, he is a peace lover, which is a contradiction. When I think of contradictions, I think of starbursts, which if you eat too much, you get Diabetes.


Because when I think of diabetes I think of my grandparents and I go to their house every Friday.
Because when I think of Friday, I think of Rebecca Black, who is a human, which is an animal, which needs water to live.

Because when I think of water, I think of going out on the boat and wake boarding. Sometimes after I wake board my legs are sore and my legs were sore after I ran the Wicked 10k the other day.

When I think of 10k I think of being poor on Runescape, which doesn't let me train Herblore efficiently, so I can't use overloads, so it is inefficient for me to use Dharok's to train, so I have to use an abyssal whip, which I can't buy with my 10k, so I can't play Runescape, so I play realm of the mad god, and my favorite class on there is the wizard.
Blue partyhat.

When I think of Wizard, I think of when that mysterious old man was plotting against the wizard's tower. He bust into the Draynor bank and killed some dude for his blue partyhat.
When I think of blue partyhat I think of dicers, then I think of jagex, then I think of companies, and they make lots of money, and some of them own stocks, which have graphs to show people trends.

Trends make me think of graphs which make me think of statistics. My mom teaches statistics at Regent University and she left to go to Ohio last night.

When I think of Ohio, I think of Cleveland Browns, which makes me think of Charlie Brown.

When I think of Charlie, I think of Charlie Brown who would always get that football picked up in front of him while he was attempting to kick it. Football makes me think of the Dallas Cowboys who had the winning touchdown in their last game taken away from them.

When I think of taken, I think of abduction stories, which make me depressed, so I sometimes cry.

When I think of cry or crying I think of the show The Walking Dead because the characters cry a lot from all the people they knew and loved getting eaten by Zombies which they call Walkers.

When I think of walkers, I think of crutches, which you have to wear when you get hurt, usually not, but sometimes by an onion.

Ogres and onions have layers.

Because Shrek has layers like onions which is what sweat smells like and you sweat when you work. Work can imply job which for me is Refereeing Soccer.

Soccer is a ball, ball is another name for testicle. Testicles make sperm which you see a lot of after you have sex.