It sounds like a weird question to me. I mean really, who's going to admit to being untrustworthy or trusted. I feel like trust is a two way street. An individual can't be trusted if they are not trusting. Think about it.
If you can't find a regular job then yes you should definitely take a temporary job. And if you do have a regular job that allows you to have a temporary job here or there then that would be good too. Make money when can. It's one thing you can never make up for. What to you think i'm doing...
It depends what kind of secrets we are talking about. I like most have some secrets that are mine and are going to remain that way. On the other hand there are some secrets that it may help to get off your chest. In many cases telling a complete stranger over the internet is a good way to...
It's not a conscious decision but i tend to give girls a second chance alot more often that males. As a guy i don't think i'm alone in this. And it definitely seems evident that many girls(not all) take big time advantage of this.
Definitely iced tea. It has to be sweat though. I'm from the south and have been looked at like i'm an idiot for asking for sweat tea. They have rasberry tea and other flavored teas. Those are ok every once in a while but I still say it's gotta be sweat tea.
I never wear a watch, it is just flat out uncormfortable for me. Everyone has a cell phone now, and i'm pretty sure they all have the time on them. Plus the time on the phone is digital and changes automatically for daylight savings and if i change time zones. I use my cell phone as my watch.
If you never had a crush on one of your teachers then your just not human. I had a music teacher in middle school....omg. Let's just say will all love her for good reason.
This isn't exactly a long term pet, but the best pet i have ever had was a squirrel. It fell out of a tree when it was still a baby and it could walk because of a injured leg. The plan was just to take care of it until he could move around and climb etc. But it was so hard to let him go back...
I don't claim to be an original person, so having said that I would say money makes me stress out. Money is needed in order to not only do what you personally want to do in life, but also to take care of your family.
I think that generally speaking if you meet someone that you could see yourself ending your current relationship, then it shows that you don't care that much about the person you are in the current relationship with. Whether it's conscious or unconscious you really don't care about the person...
No question for me....bread. I like rice everyone once in a while don't get me wrong. But i feel like some kind of bread should be a part of every meal.
KFC. McDonalds burgers don't even taste like beef. The only time i go to Mcdonalds is for breakfast or sweet tea. Their sweet tea is as good as it's going to get at a fast food place. And yes i have gone through the drive thru just to get a sweet tea.
I don't won't to be the same as my parents or the opposite. I have personal traits that I am proud to say i got from my parents, but at the same time no way no how would i want to be too similar to them.
Drink alot of water. The key is to drink it in a continuos manner. You don't have to chug, you can drink it slow, but drink it without stopping. The whole reason this works is because it controls your breathing.
I have got two things will help, eventhough neither will probably seem like a reasonable solution. But these do work for me. First i use chewing tobacco which has a tendency to kill my appetite. Understandably you probably don't want to fix one problem by starting another problem. Second...
I prefer paying with a card. I keep a little cash on me at all times in case i find myself in a situation where i can't pay with a card, but i would definitely rather use my card. If for no other reason there are all kinds of rewards and points system out there that you can take advantage of.
It depends on how high of a paying job it is. If it's enough to where i could afford to take a while finding another job if replaced, then i take the high paying job.
It depends on your personal situation. Some peoples family are disfunctional to the point that they don't have each other in their best interest. On the other hand certain friends are to the point that you consider them to be family.
Baseball, Baseball, and Baseball. I played as long as i could and I will be a fan for life. I'm watching a game right now on tv. So far so good....Phillies are winning 7-2 in the 6th inning.
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