Okay, I'm trying to stay out of this whole drama about recent staff picks, but I think someone has to say something because I'm tired of all the bashing going towards staff.
So on that note, what do you all think we do in Envious anyways? Obviously you haven't read the
Envious Information thread. If you did, you would've realized that that the members in the group are REQUIRED to learn the rules of FK. Having a group like Envious probably makes the forum better off. It gives possible future moderators a chance to learn what they are doing before they are even offered a moderator position.
Do you think actually think mods are just promoted with no knowledge of the rules of FK? NO! That would be fucking retarded.
Also, You guys all complain about how moderators are chosen from a paid group. First, Paul H. was promoted to Admin recently. He had nothing to do with Envious! Second, Christy is an admin. Who the fuck else is going to be choosing admins? If she wants to direct her group towards helping to create a better staff team by training them first, then that's fantastic! Also, even though she owns the group that many of the recent moderators were chosen from, she still contacted Philly to okay all of us, and we all received a PM from Philly before we were promoted, so if you are trying to say we have a corrupt admin, then you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Also, stop with all this bullshit about how the staff team doesn't do shit. Dafuq are you talking about? You don't see the moderator logs, the mod cp, the staff chat, or anything else that the staff do behind the scenes. How the fuck are you just going to assume shit?
Only last thing directed towards Gr33d alone: There's already about one moderator per major section, and in my opinion, it's not the best thing. Sometimes, we have to wait all day for a moderator to take care of reports in their section because they had school or work when everyone else was just watching that person's reports all day wanting to do something about it. It's kind of a flawed system, but you wouldn't know that would you? You don't see any of the moderation we take care of. You're too busy complaining about the "shit job" we do. ._.
Also, I'm kinda tired and a little cranky.
I'm sorry if I sound a harsh or mean, but a lot of this stuff shouldn't concern any of you if you don't break any rules anyways.
/rant over