Cann!bal said:
You're all acting like you're tolerant of homosexuals, but you're not. It's a double standard for them to have the inability to impose their homosexuality, whilst we can have the ability to impose our heterosexuality.
This this this this.
'Aslong as they don't try anything on me'
Everyone who has said that or something similar is completely contradicting themselves.
To be accepting of homosexuality, you actually have to understand what being a homosexual means.
THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO MEN - did I really have to spell that out for you?
If you flirted with an attractive woman, and she happened to be gay, does that give her the right to cry in outrage at your absolutely inexcusable attraction to her? The fact that you expressed your heterosexuality toward her? How rude of you.
No, it doesn't, she'd likely turn you down politely, informing you of her taste in gender.
Which, if you really aren't homophobic, is exactly what you should do in the respective situation. In fact, maybe you should feel flattered that someone actually finds you attractive.
None of this 'along as they leave me alone' bullshit. If that's the case, you're still a homophobe and you're admitting to it, clear as day.